Kissing Tips

What do you know about kissing ?

Kiss is like Nokia as well as Nike: ‘Connecting People' and ‘Just Do It



Kissing Tips

do you know how to kiss ? of course you will say yes but does your kissing has creativity, style,passion, emotion ?

One Kiss comes with: 61 milligrams of water, 0,7 milligrams of protein, 0,16 milligrams of hormones, 0,45 milligrams of salt and 0,76 milligrams of fat.
Passionate kiss makes our brain sends signals to the adrenal gland, which begin to produce endorphins resposible for our happiness. Our heart starts beating stronger and our body became more sensitive to any stimuli.
During the kissing our heart rate increase to about 120 beats per minute, also body temperature rises. Kiss improves blood circulation and cells oxygenation

juicy kiss, great kiss, kiss me


when to kiss

Timing is every thig, The best time for a first kiss is when you're alone, there's a pause in the conversation and you're both looking into each other's eyes. Help make this moment happen by finding a way to get away from the crowd, standing or sitting close to your partner, making eye contact and letting the convo come to a natural breaking point. You'll both know when the moment is right 

2. Bring some mint with you

Your breath doesn't need to be any more minty fresh than your kissing partner's. (For instance, if you both just had dinner together and ate equally garlicky meals, you'll be fine.) Bring some mints with you, but don't pop them obsessively. It's not necessary and it'll make you look over-eager.

choclate kisses, so sexy

3. Start With Your Lips

The first thing that comes to mind when you think about french kissing is tongue, but that shouldn't come right away - you'll have to ease into it. Start just by lightly kissing their lips (either their top lip, their bottom lip or both) with yours

4. Ply wit your tounge as well

A kiss without any tongue at all is perfectly fine. But if you want to take it to the next level, open your mouth a little wider, gently touch your tongue against theirs, and let the tips of your tongues "play around" together. Don't do much more than that, though. When it comes to tongue, a little goes a long way.

5. Be care ful about your hand

The best spots to place your hands are around your partner's neck or waist, on the back of your partner's head, or if you want to be extra-romantic, against your partner's cheeks. Never just leave them by your side! That would be a total waste

6. Breath and smile

Take regular breaks to pull away and look into your partner's eyes. It'll give you a chance to catch your breath and share a smile.

tounge to tounge kissing

7. add somr creativity

Don't leave your lips or your tongue in the same spot for more than a couple of seconds. The initial excitement of a first kiss is thrilling, but things can get boring awfully quickly if you don't vary your style a little.

8. Go wit the flow

You don't need to be an expert on kissing to share a great kiss. If you're not sure what to do, just let your partner take over and go with the flow. As long as the two of you like each other and are concentrating on the magic of the moment, it'll go great.

9.  Laugh and ease the tension

You might be tempted to laugh or make a little joke to ease the tension or hide some your nervousness. Go for it. Your partner's probably just as nervous as you are, and it'll ease the tension for them, too.

10. When to End It

If this is your first time kissing this person, keep things brief. There'll be plenty more chances to kiss, and you want to leave them dying to lock lips with you the next time

bite my lips

Kissing jokes


A couple was sitting in garden, suddenly the dogs starting kissing each other.
Boy: If you don't mind then I also want to do it?
Girl: I don't have a problem with you doing that but take care, the other dog looks quite dangerous

KISS IS.....

Kiss is like Nokia as well as Nike: ‘Connecting People' and ‘Just Do It




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